What is Ajaxterm4j?

Ajaxterm4j is a Java port of Ajaxterm, which lets us emulate a terminal on a web browser.

Ajaxterm4j consists of JavaScript that renders the terminal on the client, XmlHttpRequest that sends keystrokes and screens back and forth, and a Java library that launches/manages processes. The library plays a similar role to xterm, except that whereas xterm is implemented in C and use X for rendering, ajaxterm4j is implemented in Java and uses Ajax/HTML for rendering.


Ajaxterm4j is defined in a JavaScript file and CSS. Include those in your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ajaxterm.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajaxterm.js"></script>

Ajaxterm4j creates a terminal inside a DIV element with the 'ajaxterm' as the CSS class name:

<div id="myTestTerminal" class="ajaxterm"></div>

Finally, instantiate a terminal. The first parameter is the ID or the element of the DIV element. The second argument is an option hash:

new ajaxterm.Terminal("myTestTerminal",{width:80,height:25,endpoint:"path/to/somewhere"});

Glueing together the server-side is up to you. Depending on the web framework of your choice, how you intergrate this with your webapp will be different. Basically,

  1. For each terminal session, a Session instance needs to be created. (multiple clients can connect to the same Session instance to create screencast-like effect.)
  2. The URL specified in the endpoint parameter needs to call into Session.handleUpdate

Refer to the javadoc of the Session class for more details.

Demo application

The source tree contains a demo application that you can run with mvn install; cd webapp; mvn jetty:run

SSH connector

This project comes with a module that uses trilead-ssh library to act as a SSH client and terminal. In this model, browser and the webapp acts as a terminal and a pure-Java SSH client, and it speaks the SSH protocol with a remote SSH server.

See demo application for the details.